James 1:1 (Yaakov 1:1)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Best Text To Use...

There is no all one answer for this thought.

I like the King James Version (KJV)for when I am dealing with Christians as most still see that as the Authority. Also the New King James works too.

The New International Version (NIV) is fine with most Christians as well.

If a Christian can find it in there own Bible, then it must be true. What I might say to someone...."You tell me this is the (KJV) or (NIV) version; I didn't write either."

If you are looking for yourself I would recommend A Hebrew Version or one that is translated with Hebraic eyes. "The Scriptures" is good, "The Hebraic-Roots Version" is good. The Stones Edition is in the ballpark. It only comes with the "Old Testament" but the one I have has Hebrew on one page and across from it on the other page is the English translation.

I can not stress enough the importance of learning Hebrew. I know enough to see a bit here and there...I have quite a ways to go to read it fluently. It's also good to have a Sage (scholar who know Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek)

Getting yourself an "Interlinear Bible" would be good too. Don't worry if it's a (KJV) the English should be a reference only. It is important to have several Texts to compare. The Interlinear has the language in English above the Hebrew and Greek. If you know the language then you know if the English on the the page itself is translated proper.

If you know the language then there is no filter of a translator telling you what the text says. No one who has an agenda can't trick you.

When I study, I don't look to fit the text into my thinking as most faiths do. The Netzarim Faith is about reading the Text and asking what does it mean.

Bottom line...for yourself a text that is translated from Hebrew sources and with Hebraic Eyes.

The Scriptures, or The Hebraic-Roots Version, or even The complete Jewish Bible is OK. Even the Stones Edition isn't bad with Hebrew on the opposite page. There might be others. Ultimately you are the best translation with knowing what the language of text itself.

Note: Study of the Torah is best done in the language you understand best!

I have all the mentioned texts and some that can't be gotten anymore. Don't be afraid to look for used copies of Bibles.

Yah's Blessing and Shalom!


  1. ahh thanks for this one James.

    I have many different copies of the Bible but my current favourite is the CJB (D H Stern). I will certainly check out the Stones Edition - might be well worth adding to my collection.

    At the moment I access


    I think this is a great resource (used by the Jewish community to learn their Bar Mitzvah portions)... but I get to actually hear the hebrew being canted... invaluable to my ears as well as see it written in the hebrew plus transliterated AND written in the English... for anyone starting out I think this is a very valuable tool.

  2. You said:

    When I study, I don't look to fit the text into my thinking as most faiths do. The Netzarim Faith is about reading the Text and asking what does it mean.

    I too think this is a fundamental concept that each one of us who study the Scriptures should take to heart and apply in our lives.


  3. You are welcome,

    Yah's Blessings and Shalom!

  4. James do you have a 'commentary/insights' on the Torah Portions?

  5. There are so many, Rashi can be good, becareful on his insight. The Stone's Bible has a little. A midrash is good.

    I'll need to get one more. We are just about to restart the cycle. We are going to do the three year clycle this time.

    It will be different.

  6. If the Hellenists superseded Yisrael(the Torah observant Jews) and created Xtianity, how is that different from this false Netzarim that are also not part of Torah observant Jews? www.netzarim.co.il

  7. I'm not sure what you're saying. I am Torah Observant. I just Include Yeshua the Messiah! He was a Jewish Rabbi, and stated in Matthew 5:17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."

    How is that false Netzarim?


  8. Ah a three-year cycle... now that one is new to me... can I have a look - I might like to adopt it instead of the yearly cycle...

    ps - you need to activate 'User comments' so that moderation is on... two fold blessing... you control which posts you want to show and secondly if someone comments on an old post you won't miss it...

  9. Yes, I will give a link to it when it is posted.
